Saturday, November 14, 2009

galerie graesslin

there's something really sad and camp and damaged about Stefan Muller, not sure abt these compared to his Christian Nagel show last year which had glitter and bleach and markers. I have a feeling that all of his work is a lot more detailed and beautiful in real life than these jpegs will let u know, someone who I hope I see a show by pretty soon.

this was orig. a post about stefan muller but holy shit has this gallery got one hell of a roster! also never seen these Imi Knoebel's before and I'm freaking out a little at them, look at this for a pallette!

Also, on top of that their showing Gunther Forg who was the one glowing beacon of awesomeness amid the Frieze fair when I went in 2008 (not a mistake I will make again btw), turns out I fucking hate art fairs btw.


¯\(°_o)/¯ said...

just to point out that I am completely obsessed with german abstract painting so it makes sense that i'd get fanboyish over that lineup

¯\(°_o)/¯ said...

The Salmon in the lower right corner of the Imi Knoebel I posted just keeps kicking my ass, feel like if a painting was ever made to scroll down onto this was it, don't normally think of him using these shuddering rhythms so its really cool to see how casually he just tosses this one off!