Sunday, December 13, 2009


You know those shops that sell vaguely modernist home decor art? You know, half assed appropriations of Abstract Expressionism only in shades that will match your new couch. Well that's what this exhibition kinda reminded me of. I don't mind that, in fact I think its kinda funny! It's the reverse of making paintings that look like dulux color cards, fine art refiltering itself thru its own appropriation by um Ikea maybe. Nolan gives you stacks of Tuttle-octagons, watercolours of Degas sculptures and Munch sunsets. Wished there was more focus on painting, the sculptures do have a roughly hewn precision and a funky, eclectic use of materials, but Nolan does have nice, insouciant touch and her bright primaries are strained and stretched at the edges in a way that sets up its own tensions, distinct from the appropriated compositions. Also, embroidery tables? Give me a break, shit's been done really.


Anonymous said...

eh what? "thru" and "shit's been done already" in the same text as strained primary colours and what seemed like an almost serious critique of Nolan's painting. Nolan brings a subtle touch to her refreshingly restrained and honest content. The show brought a smile to my face and I would cherish any of her works with more care and attention than anything from Ikea or a home interior shop.

\(O_o)/ said...

you thought this was restrained? seemed loaded with references and pretty light on focus. I mean i like that but a lot of this felt pretty played to me. also it seems pretty weird to say that less care goes into ikea product design but okay, anyway not everything has to be serious.